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Advocacy visit to Amb. Mube Awala Beatrice, the Vice President of National Association of Person with Physical Disabilities (NAPWPD)

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

On June 21, 2023, an advocacy visit was organized to engage Amb. Mube Awala Beatrice, Vice President of the National Association of Persons with Physical Disabilities (NAPWPD). The objective of the visit was to empower mentees and equip them with strategies to attain leadership positions and advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities.

During the meeting, Amb. Mube Awala Beatrice, a mentor and accomplished leader herself, emphasized the importance of capacity building for young women with disabilities in order to enhance their socio-economic participation and competitiveness. She shared her personal journey of overcoming barriers to become the first women leader in JONAPWD FCT and the first Vice President of the NAPWPD. Her career progression to the position of Assistant Director in the Public Service served as inspiration for the mentees.

One significant issue highlighted by Amb. Mube Awala Beatrice was the marginalization faced by women and girls with disabilities within the disability community. She urged the mentees to be resilient in the struggle for equal representation and to create safe spaces for inclusion. To support their advocacy efforts, she introduced the mentees to the Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities Prohibition Act and provided them with relevant documents and magazines on sexual and gender-based violence.

The mentees were fully intimated on the policies provision in the discrimination against persons with disabilities prohibition act and also magazines on sexual and gender based violence which was the major eye opener to them.

  • They learnt various prohibition of the disability act moreover as it affects different types of disabilities.

  • They learnt that the Disability Act is a legal frame work upon which persons with disabilities can advocate for the rights and privileges.

  • They learnt that the Act is a working document upon which persons with disabilities can sue and be sued for any violence and related offence.

  • The sexual and gender based violence magazine also is a guide on accessing sexual and reproductive health rights of persons with disabilities and for women and girls with disabilities in particular.

  • The magazine provides information on steps to stick in for justice on any form of violence and related offense done to persons with disabilities and to women and girls with disabilities.

By distributing these resources, the mentees were equipped with a manual to guide their advocacy work. They gained a deeper understanding of the rights and privileges of persons with disabilities, particularly women and girls, and were empowered to champion their cause. The visit to Amb. Mube Awala Beatrice not only served as a mentorship opportunity, but also fostered a network of support and encouragement for future leaders in the disability community.

Overall, the advocacy visit was a crucial step in building the capacity of mentees and raising awareness about the importance of leadership positions for persons with disabilities. It highlighted the need for strategic advocacy to ensure the rights and inclusion of all individuals, regardless of their disabilities. Through such initiatives, society can create a more equitable and inclusive environment for everyone.